Why MindAscend?

“The best investment for people to make is in developing their mental balance and flexibility.” Yuval Noah Hurari, best-selling author of ‘Sapiens’ and ’21 Lessons for the 21st Century’

Today’s world is facing exponential change and tremendous uncertainty. There are unprecedented demands for our resilience, creativity, and ability to adapt to new circumstances. 

Successful humans of the (near) future will need to be able to harness the power of possibility and their own potential, while navigating unpredictable times.  More than ever, we need people who have the mindset of self-improvement and mastery, whilst contributing to the agility of their organizations and communities.  This is our ‘why’.  

MindAscend© is a coaching and development process stemming from proven methods in personal mastery, higher-mind consciousness, and performance psychology.  We utilize practical knowledge that can be used immediately, enriching your personal development while maximizing your leadership potential.

We offer a series of online training courses and workshops — rooted in coaching successful, creative peak performers and high-functioning teams, and intentionally purposed for the needs of the modern world.